What is Sir Gawain and the Green Maiden? A new novel connected to Arthurian mythology, and a different way of writing about Arthurian things. There are three storylines, one of which involves Gawain. The Gawain story is told as though The Gawain Poet who wrote the fourteenth century poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, returned to his material to develop and finish what he'd started so many years before. That second poem is here, in SGGM , as though it's been translated into modern English for today's reader. And? Another story. A story that's more down to earth, something everyday. What happens to Mark Thomas Redman, a young man who gets married, in a small township somewhere in the north of Wales towards the end of the fourteenth century. Over the span of four days he hears an itinerant bard deliver a further tale of Sir Gawain, and his life changes, subtly, but profoundly and irrecoverably. Anything else? Anothe...